| 1. | Sifting chinese ink sticks collected in the imperial court in the qianlong period of qing dynasty 乾隆时期宫廷对藏墨的整理 |
| 2. | On the day when he moved into the temple , the imperial court held a ceremony of unprecedented grandeur for him 在请玄奘移居大慈恩寺时,朝延举行了空前隆重的仪式,出动了1500乘锦彩轩车。 |
| 3. | The use of bamboo screens in the imperial court of the heian period is known from the pillow book ( an ancient novel by sei shonagon ) 平安时代的宫廷中已经开始使用这种帘子,这一点早就通过枕草子广为人知了。 |
| 4. | The chamber to the left is dedicated to the ancestors who made significant contributions to the clan or those who achieved high ranks in the imperial court 左殿内供奉对族有贡献或功名显赫的先祖。右殿则供奉乡贤。 |
| 5. | I was totally lost in the singing and dancing , and was transported back to the imperial courts of ancient times . i became an onus for master 在那种笙歌载舞之下,我完全沉醉在那种古代宫廷的气氛中,定力七上八下的还拖累师父。 |
| 6. | Gong ' s ideas , though not be given due attention in the imperial court , caught eyes at the time and affected the coming generations with strong vitality 他的思想,虽未见重于当朝,但却醒目于当时,并以其强劲的生命力影响着后世。 |
| 7. | Lying between the palace of heavenly purity and the hall of earthly peace , the hall of union and peace was used for the safekeeping of 25 jade seals of the imperial court 交泰殿位于乾清宫与坤宁宫之间的交泰殿,是清代放置宝玺的地方。 |
| 8. | The use of embroidery for secular decorative arts began in the heian period , with its extreme elegance a testament to its development amid the imperial court 作为装饰品的刺绣兴盛于平安时代以后、那时在朝臣贵族的社会里争相比示刺绣的豪华。 |
| 9. | The jade that each is big is very rare , weight is greater than 100 kilograms of white jade very few in history , and enter as the jewellery and offer the imperial court 块度大的玉十分难得,在历史上重量大于100公斤的白玉屈指可数,而且作为珍宝进献朝廷。 |
| 10. | Nanguan catholic church of the sacred heart of jesus , the existing gothic architecture , rebuilt in 1912 with funds from the imperial court , exhibits intricate decorative design :始建于1878年,但于1900年被义和团焚毁,目前的天主教堂是于1912年以清廷赔款重建的。 |